Large ak8fieldfare

AK8 Fieldfare



One of a series of small, embroidered studies featuring birds from the British Trust for Ornithology Red list.
These winter visitors begin arriving on the UK's eastern coasts from western Russia, Fennoscandia, and eastern Europe during early October. Numbers vary each year and are dependent on seasonal berries from hedgerows and woodlands.
Fieldfares are large, colourful thrushes, much like a mistle thrush in shape and behaviour. They stand very upright and move forward with purposeful hops. They are very social birds, spending the winter in flocks sometimes as large as several hundred. Often confused with redwings, these related species often flock together, but redwings are notably smaller and lack the blue-grey colouring of the fieldfare.

Framed H 33.5 x W 33.5cm