Large ak12refonlylapwing

AK12 Reference Only I - Lapwing


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Reference only series (on vintage ornithological bird record books).
I first stumbled across a small collection of Somerset Ornithological Society bird records about 6 years ago at a local second-hand bookshop.
These small A5 pamphlets are labours of love, from the bird watching and recording to the typed pages. Each bird is listed with a short description, dated sightings, location and numbers seen.
These local enthusiast’s records have played a huge part in us understanding the state of our bird population and sadly record the dramatic decline in many of our once common birds.
These ornithological record books have been produced across the UK and I have slowly collected some from areas which have featured birds within this collection.
The 3 pieces in this ‘Reference Only’ series feature pages of these books as a background. The concept is simple, if action isn’t taken soon to protect these birds and their environment, future generations may only be able to see them in the pages of a Reference book.
The Lapwing is a beautiful wader with glossy dark green plumage and long crest, it is also known as a 'peewit' in imitation of its display calls, and 'green plover’ from its Latin name Vanellus, meaning 'little fan.
A bird of farmland and wetlands, lapwings can be seen wheeling through winter skies in large flocks. Males put on dramatic aerial displays, tumbling through the air, accompanied by their piercing call, females can be spotted on their nests, which are simple scrapes in the mud or sand.
Once common over much of lowland Britain, lapwing numbers began to decline in the mid 19th century, due to the widespread collection of their eggs for food.
More recent factors in their decline are changes in land management, farming practice and increased predation pressure.

Framed H 45 x W 48.5 cm