I was given this beautiful shirt when it was really old, well used, worn and a little motheaten. It was suggested I should to cut up and use it my work. But in the Hierarchy of Waste, way before RECYCLING, comes REUSE - And reuse is at number 3
Here they are
1. Refuse: just say “no” to things you don’t need or which have really dubious credentials
2. Reduce: do you need this - is there something else you have or could buy second hand that would do instead?
3. Reuse: yes! Reuse the shirt - or give it to someone else who could
4. Repair: If it’s broken, could it be fixed?
5. Rot: if you’re throwing something out, can you compost it or will it breakdown easily?
6. And look, at number 6 come Recycle - cause recycling by its very nature uses energy and sometime used virgin materials as well
7. Disposal: check the list above first - then only throw things away if none of the other options are possible.
So, I fixed the holes with visible mending and invisible mending and I got to wear this beautiful cloth for several years. The last time was when I was completing my masters, working at uni in the studio, getting it mucky, with it close to falling off me - risqué, or what?
Therefore, for the next stage of its life, I soaked it before washing it, then repaired the bee, ripped the fabric and re stitched it into this artpiece.
The glass-fronted box frame that the stitched art is presented in measures 33cm x 33cm.